Usually around this time of year, Vickey and I are reminding you each Sunday to register for our women’s spring retreat. You may be wondering why we haven’t mentioned a retreat for this year yet! For the past few years we’ve been alternating between hosting our own retreat and streaming a retreat from If Gathering. This year, we are going to do something a little different!
Read With Me - Yes, You Can Still Join!
As you may have heard, our church is following a year-long reading plan through the New Testament in 2025. Our daily Bible readings will intersect with some of the teachings from our pastors on Sunday mornings, as they also emphasize the New Testament church this year. We are almost one month through! Jump in with us!
Why English Classes at Council Road?
My first experience with English Classes as a ministry began in 2005. My two-year-old daughter met a girl from South Korea on the playground, so I naturally met her Mom. I invited them to attend a local ministry that offered free English classes, as well as other classes for internationals who could already speak English well. I had no idea this would be the beginning of a 20 year journey of exciting ministry!
Getting To Know Your Bible Again
Relishing God's Word Together In 2025
Chances are, you unwrapped a great gift this past Christmas. Maybe it was a new sweater in your favorite color, tickets or a gift certificate to do something you couldn’t justify paying for, a gadget to make your life easier, or maybe something to encourage your latest hobby. But there is a difference between opening a great gift and really receiving it. You have to take care of the sweater and wear it regularly, redeem those tickets, enjoy the benefits of that gift certificate, use the gadget and develop that hobby!
Holidays During A Season of Grief
This new journey of grief looks nothing like I had imagined. I always thought I would be visiting my momma’s grave every day and sitting serenely as I talked to her and cried, telling her how much I missed her. Instead, the past three months have been some of the busiest and most stress-filled days of my life. The weird thing about grief is that life goes on.
Illustrating Advent
I had the honor and blessing of getting to illustrate this year’s children’s Christmas book that our church will give away during our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service. What Christ Brings is the third of these books that I’ve had the opportunity to be part of and each experience has been so unique for me due to the season of life I’ve been in.
What Christ Brings
This Christmas at Council Road, we are releasing an original song to go along with our Advent season. The song, “What Christ Brings” was written to encourage our church and remind us of the beautiful blessings that Christ brings to us as we celebrate this special season. It is always such a gift to hear the songs that my husband, Eric Wall, dreams up for our church and this one is definitely no exception.