What Does Community Life Look Like?


Here’s a glimpse of what it looks like in our group.

When her husband died and she needed to sell her house, several of our group came to help pack for the move, make small repairs, and mostly to offer support and prayers for our friend.

When her son died, one brought a sleeping bag and slept on the floor in case there was a need for help during the night. Another one came to help make arrangements. Still another came to manage the abundance of food and phone calls. And we prayed.

When her mother was near death in a distant city, everyone came together to pray. Some answered phone calls to offer support and encouragement, and listened to the silent tears on the other end of the phone.

When she had a stroke and her life was changed, her classmates, her soul mates, her sisters-in-Christ came with food, cards, smiles, tears, and words of encouragement. And we prayed.

When she collapsed on the kitchen floor and an ambulance took her to the hospital, they were there in the ER before she was taken to surgery. For weeks after, one helped with transportation, many helped with food for the family, and we all prayed for her healing and restoration.

When one’s daughter was expecting a baby, there was a party with food, flowers, so many cute little outfits, as well as much laughter and joy. And there was prayer for the new life.

When another one’s grandbaby was critically ill, there was constant prayer for healing. And there was jubilant rejoicing with every tiny sign of improvement. 

And when one had a big birthday, there were endless phone calls, whispers and plotting to put together a huge and successful surprise birthday party. What a joyful fun-filled time was had by all! This group knows how to pray and party! 

We live our lives together through the good times and hard. We study the Bible together, pray together, laugh and cry together. God created us for community and we love doing life with each other.


Meet the author!

Debbie Jourden is a follower of Christ, Mom to Gabe, Mother-in-law to Lisa, and Grandma to Chris and Caleb. She facilitates a ladies Sunday morning Bible Study, a Sunday night small group, and a Celebrate Recovery Friday night small group. Debbie runs two small businesses from home in her power wheelchair. A student of prayer who learned to really pray and trust in grief after the suicide loss of husband and youngest son…she is still learning.