I Know Who You Need to Know

Why should we look outside of the church to reach people?

We have the Cube. We have individualized outreach ministries. We have mission trips.

Why should we look outside of the church to reach people in our daily lives?

From an overflow of the knowledge and understanding of our faith, we know who others need to know—Jesus. We must look outside the church to reach people because the truth is the church as an establishment cannot reach every person by simply existing as a building. The actual church (believers) must meet people where they are in order to spread the Gospel.

Practically, this involves three key elements:

Personal Health

Emotional and Spiritual health are what I’m touching on here. Am I fully resting (read that word again slowly) in Christ? As my emotional and spiritual health increases, my capacity to look outward increases. In health, people are not a burden. They are not a cause even. People are a gift. Jesus Himself had discernment and love in who, how and when to reach out in this life. Jesus understood that reaching people should not come out of an obsession, compulsion, or obligation, but from a healthy heart that could really see people and see their need in light of His abilities. If my life overflow is from stress, obligation or list-checking, I am officially unhealthy. If my life overflow is from love, dependency on Christ and steady heart-checks, I’m able to serve Christ and others in a healthy and more generous way.

Priority Over Compulsion

Is my desire to look outside the church for reaching people based on a fabricated compulsion and religious numbers-based urgency? The impact of a believer whose priority is Christ’s love in the streets, above an urgent desire to for numbered results, is priceless and powerful. Understanding and truly believing God’s love for me, I can’t help but see my unchurched friends, my co-workers and others (and their hurt). When I do see all of this, I just simply want them to know Who I know. That is the driving force--not “saving them” out of my religious duty. Prioritize their need for Him.


My thought process here in bringing up trust is simply to prompt us to ask the question, “Am I putting trust in myself to save people, or in the God who loves them so much more deeply?” Am I trying to make people know God, or am I trying to live out of an overflowing trust in God’s work through the Holy Spirit? I do not need to convict them. I do not need to “fix them”. I do not need to “save them”. I can trust God to do what He has done for me—show His great love for me in that while I was still a sinner, He died for me (Rom. 5:8).

Why should you look outside of the church to reach people? You know Who they need to know!


Meet the Author!

Hailey Melton is a mom of twin girls and wife to Ryan. Throughout the week, you might find her at Harvey Bakery downtown, tutoring with Whiz Kids at the CUBE, helping lead a young adult connection class, growing in the Word with her home group, or serving as a home health Occupational Therapist in others’ homes around the City. Hailey loves open conversations over coffee, quality time with her people, and international travel.