Be Careful Of Council Road

“Be Careful of Council Road,” My coworker told me with a raised eyebrow. I had visited one of Council Road’s young adult home groups only once, but the church’s reputation preceded them even now. My co-worker shared comical stories of the church’s youth group getting kicked out of church camp and other stories which blurred the line between legendary and tall tale. This mysterious congregation had a long-known reputation for “doing its own thing” and “making its own rules.” The unusual caution came to me six years ago when I was first visiting Council Road. I’ve now come to uncover the truth of this rule-breaking house of worship—My discoveries are logged below.

Council Road is courageous.

In seasons of challenge, opposition, or simply apathy, this church has boldly risen above and pressed into intentionality. I have seen Council Road courageously pursue shalom for the people through provision, hospitality, kindness, patience, faithfulness, generosity, and more. I’ve seen the church call out wrong and lies. I’ve seen the church receive those cast aside. I’ve seen prayer in the wake of fear. I’ve seen bold endeavors in the path of lacking or in the dream of a flourishing community. I’ve seen the Bible and Holy Spirit elevated as allies to the cause of Christ. This is courage.

Council Road is healthy.

I’ve been on the “inside” of Council Road by being on staff since 2020, and I can say with honesty and joy that Council Road is healthy. The ministers communicate and serve one another. The leaders are humble and generous. The members serve and love the community. The congregation freely offers their money, time, and intentionality for the work of the Kingdom. The marginalized are invited to the table to teach and grow. The oddballs and misfits are welcomed into families. The misunderstood and quiet are given voices and clarity. The abused are given safety and care. The called are given guidance and resources. The children are loved and safe. The teens are empowered and grounded. The young adults are gathered and welcomed. The senior adults are mobilized to serve and belong. Wrong and pride are called out and dispelled. Evil is identified and addressed. The church is healthy.

Council Road is home.

In a church this size, there is no way I should genuinely know and love so many people as though we were a church of fifty… but I do. Council Road is home to me. It’s the place I long to pour my heart out, meet with friends, laugh about life’s insanity, weep over loss and change, comfort the grieving, deploy my resources and skills, and facilitate safety and grace. Home is really where my heart is, and that is within the beautiful and real lives of my Council Brodies.

As my time on staff has recently come to a close, I just want to say thank you to my church family. I’m grateful I didn’t “be careful” or play it safe when God was helping me find a church. I’m grateful for the discipleship, love, safety, and empowerment the ministers, leaders, members, and friends poured out to me these past six years. I’m grateful to be a Council Brodie. Praise God for this church family!


Meet the Author!

Hammocks, hot tubs, Spotify, close friends, campfires, poetic journal entries, and well selected fonts are all contributions to Hannah Hanzel’s ideal day. She can be found pining over these in her lamp-lit office at Council Road Baptist Church, serving as the Creative Director. She enjoys conversations that include dad jokes, travel plans, theology, art, and struggles with faith. Feel free to reach out:


Hannah Hanzel

Hannah Hanzel is an opinionated, passionate gal that loves sharing what God is doing in her often busy and complicated life. She strives to show God's glory in working as the Art Director for the Baptist Messenger, serving as a multi-client freelance graphic designer, and communing with CRBC. When she's not working, you can find her sipping coffee in a hammock, watching classic '40s movies, or going on an adventure with friends or family.