
Life on Mission with Twylla

Life on Mission with Twylla

What does a “life on mission” really look like?  We hear this phrase or one like it regularly in Christian circles. But, what does it really look like? It is different for each follower of Christ, depending on your gifts and talents, but there should be some underlying similarities that we find in scripture. I also believe a “life on mission” changes as we age, grow, and follow Christ. We all know the Great Commission, but do we live it out or just recite it with our mouths? “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20). 



Everyday, we are becoming something. We are either becoming more like the world or more like Jesus. As Christians, we can often ask ourselves, “How do I become like Christ?” Personally, if this question is asked, I immediately come up with a to-do list: read my Bible, pray, go to church, serve, bear good fruit, etc. I could come up with a million ways to become more like Christ and if I could figure out a way to perform some miracles here and there, then I would really be set! 

Be Careful Of Council Road

Be Careful Of Council Road

“Be Careful of Council Road,” My coworker told me with a raised eyebrow. I had visited one of Council Road’s young adult home groups only once, but the church’s reputation preceded them even now. My co-worker shared comical stories of the church’s youth group getting kicked out of church camp and other stories which blurred the line between legendary and tall tale. This mysterious congregation had a long-known reputation for “doing its own thing” and “making its own rules.” The unusual caution came to me six years ago when I was first visiting Council Road. I’ve now come to uncover the truth of this rule-breaking house of worship—My discoveries are logged below.

Upholding Others and Serving God in the Everyday

Upholding Others and Serving God in the Everyday

I still remember sitting in the upper section of what was then called the Ford Center. It was June 2003. The concert was packed, people were smoking weed around me, and I had a great time. A few weeks later, I went back to the Ford Center for a Billy Graham Crusade and just happened to sit in the same section as the concert a few weeks back. I was in a very public arena, yet I could feel the tangible presence of God. I could not tell you any of the points to his sermon, however I vividly remember the stark difference of the two events because of the light that Billy Graham was sharing.

Serving the Church From Home

Serving the Church From Home

On my birthday in July, my sweet husband brought me coffee in bed. That had been one of my requests, to have coffee in bed and sit together for the morning. Not long after taking my first couple of sips, my husband left for work and one of our twins started crying. I grabbed my coffee and began the process of changing my son and getting him fed. Then, I repeated the process for my daughter. As I fed them, I thought, “This is what my birthday is going to look like from here on out.”

Called To Something New

Called To Something New

I like a predictable life. I like normal routines and schedules. It sets my mind at ease to know what is happening day in and day out. But what happens when God starts pressing in on your heart to step out in faith and do something new? Something unpredictable? Something you never would have imagined yourself doing in a million years? I can tell you from experience that it rocks your world, but it is such a blessing.

Women and Church

Women and Church

Women and Church. That particular string of words may conjure strong opinions. If not in yourself, definitely in others. If your opinion is determined in part by what is seen in media, culture, dax, it has likely been shaped by loud, perhaps even extreme, voices which may not always represent the majority.

How to Avoid Serving at Church

How to Avoid Serving at Church

Pssst, over here. Hey! You there! Person who isn’t quite sure where they fit in when it comes to serving at our church, I’m talking to you! I am here to secretly fill you in on a few things behind the scenes. You see, I live with 2 of our CRBC staff members. Tough, I know. Makenzie Magnus is my sister (and landlord) and Hannah Hanzel lives in the room across from me in our upstairs “Tenet’s Quarters',' as we affectionately call it. A girl hears things and learns things living day-in and day-out with two church staff members and I’m here to spill the beans. Wondering how to get out of serving at our church? I got you.