The Mission of Motherhood

This is the second of our March blog posts on allowing God to use your story for His purposes.

When we began our family over seven years ago, I did not fully grasp that a mission field was also being birthed. We, of course, prayed over each of our babies and dedicated their lives to the Lord. As our children have grown and developed, a greater calling has been given to me to make Jesus known to each of them in hopes that they will walk with Christ someday and make His great love known to others. 

As a mother of young children, I want to encourage the tired mamas who are doing the kingdom work at their kitchen tables, in the living room, at the park, lulling your sweet ones to sleep, and so on. I know it can feel fruitless and overwhelming most days but we are given an amazing opportunity to be led by the Spirit and model the gospel to our babies in countless ways throughout our days. 

There have certainly been many days where I’ve extended LOTS of grace, but I have also needed that same grace extended to me. There have been moments where I’ve dropped to my knees in order to look my child in the eyes and humbly ask for his/her forgiveness. These hard, precious moments are planting seeds for salvation. Jesus loved and saved us WHILE we were still sinners and his enemies. We must take this amazing grace and good news with us to even the most mundane parts of our days as we serve and love our children. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and he will equip you with all you need for this daily battle. 

Respond to the call of the Holy Spirit to make Jesus known in your home. Pray that your children will know Jesus above all things and make Him known to others around them. I truly believe that the seemingly ordinary moments of each day with our children are the moments that will shape their faith the most. Pray for and with them, fill their minds with scripture, discipline with love, extend grace, forgive and ask for forgiveness, praise Him for new mercies each day. We are raising sons and daughters of the Most High! I still have much to learn and don’t do any of this perfectly, but His grace is sufficient for me and it’s certainly sufficient for you, too. 

As Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”


Meet the Author!

Megan Mathews is a former art teacher who now fills her days with teaching and loving on her three children.  She enjoys using her art background on various design projects.  Megan adores time with her husband, Sundays with her family, good coffee and cuisine, quiet moments in creation, and making memories with her littles.