The Enemy is the Enemy

In my mind, I was hovering over my grave site, watching my three preschoolers and my grieving husband view my casket lowering into the ground. Fear and hopelessness overwhelmed me!

But…that was 30 years ago. My death never actually happened. I can assure you though that my devastating diagnosis brought a voice of fear and death as strong in my head as was the gravesite image that came to my mind.

Thankfully, God had strategically gotten me into an in-depth Bible study earlier that year. I’d learned something about following the voice of the Good Shepherd. And clearly, the voice I was hearing at that moment was not the loving, peace-giving voice of the Good Shepherd!  The voice of the Enemy (Satan) can be strong and convincing, can’t it?

Fight Fear

I’d been learning what to do in a battle with the Enemy. I FOUGHT BACK! I went to praise in prayer, because Satan can’t stand to be where Jesus’ name is being honored. I refocused on what I knew was true about the Good Shepherd instead of doubting His love for me. I asked for help to listen to the voice of my loving Shepherd knowing that, whatever life circumstances came, He’d promised to never leave or forsake either me or my young family.  Jesus referred to Satan as the “father of lies,” so I told Satan, “Get LOST! You are a LIAR. I won’t listen to you!” 


I’ve been known to treat people as if THEY were my enemy. Have you? My assumption was that if I could “fix” that person’s behavior (or that difficult situation), everything in my life would be hunky dory… just like I want it to be. 

But that too is a lie. 

Satan wants to spread discontent and discouragement. He leads me to believe “that” person is the problem--the enemy. Maybe he even wrongly casts blame on me, or the unfair, uncontrollable circumstance I’m in. But it’s a LIE!  “That” person (maybe it is someone I dearly love) can be just as easily deceived by the lies of the evil one, be his victim, as I can be. We all need prayer to be able to see and walk in Truth. The truth is that people and circumstances are not my enemies. 

So, my battle plan may need a reboot. Priscilla Shirer says in her book, Fervent, “Prayer is a reminder to yourself, as well as a declaration to the enemy, that you know he’s there. That you’re on to him.” She says, “…Prayer--all you need is one bullet, trained on one enemy.” 

Change your battle plan – recognize your enemy!

My perspective is changed when I stop to realize how easy it is for Satan’s voice to distort the Truth of God’s love for me as well as for others. What if THEY are victims too? Instead of fighting against frustrating people and challenging circumstances, fight the battle in prayer for yourself and for others with focused prayers aimed at the root of the problem. Instead of praying for God to make our lives easy, pray for a deeper walk with Jesus, for the name of Jesus to be glorified in the situation.

The Enemy is the enemy! 

  • Start with PRAISE. Recount Who your God is. Make the enemy flee in Jesus’ presence. 

  • REPENT, because your focus can be so easily distorted by lies.

  • ASK for God’s help to see your world through His loving eyes, to recognize the enemy attacks, for everyone to hear and follow the Good Shepherd more closely, praying for truth to be revealed and to reign. 

  • YIELD, because Romans 8:28 promises Jesus is in control and He is so powerful that even perceived bad can be turned to kingdom good in His loving hands. 

Lord God, help me…help those reading this… to listen to YOUR voice only. Help us each recognize the voice of the evil one, our enemy, and not be deceived by it. We want to walk in the Truth of the Good Shepherd’s love for us. 


Meet the Author!

Gayle Hadden and her husband, Terry, love being part of the groups ministry at CRBC. They are parents to three adult children and are blessed with six adorable grandchildren. Serving Moms in Prayer International as a USA Division Coordinator for seven Heartland states, Gayle's passionate about getting children and schools covered in prayer. She loves seeing God’s hand in nature, playing with grandkids, travel, birding and chocolate (dark please!) Email her at