Thank You, Lord, for Your Generosity

Have you ever been the recipient of something beautifully simple, of which you never expected to receive? I have. It was the dress my sister bought for me when my bank account was literally in the negative. It was the joy of seeing the second bowl of watery potato soup my first ever house guests partook in. It was the bouquet of flowers from my family delivered to my office on the day I resigned from the job I loved. It was a kind message from an old friend after he read my vulnerable Instagram post. It was the picture my dad took of me on the beach that made me feel special amid the couples’ photo sessions.

Sometimes I can be so oblivious to the tiny but miraculous signs of generosity happening around me every day. In a world and culture that idolizes self, gain, and collecting, we can choose to reflect God in genuinely generous actions. He is such a good and frequent giver. God is so faithful to supply some amazingly huge things like life and breath and salvation. But oftentimes it’s the simple things that call me back to revel in His generosity. It’s the things, people, and moments that leave me shaking my head with a smirk whispering, “You didn’t even have to do that, but thank You.”

In Psalm 116, the writer pens, “How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me?” In light of this, I’m forced to ask myself, “Have I been this impacted by being a receiver of God’s goodness?” Does the realization of all God has given me sink me to the place of wanting to praise Him through reflecting Him?

Not nearly enough.

I have a challenge for us. Today or tomorrow, as we go about the ins and outs that our lives entail, let’s notice the simple gifts. Start a note on your phone or on a small notepad in your purse and title it something fun relating to God’s generosity. See what you find in the everyday and put it in your note—your favorite song popping on the radio, the call back you’ve been waiting for, a beautiful bird flying by, a cool breeze, or an unexpected heart tug. Open your eyes, my friend, for He has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing (Eph. 1:3), lavished His love on us (Eph. 1:7-8), richly provided all things for us to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17), and has been generous to us in every way (2 Cor. 9:11).

Thank You, Lord, for Your generosity!


Meet the Author!

Hammocks, hot tubs, Spotify, close friends, campfires, poetic journal entries, and well selected fonts are all contributions to Hannah Hanzel’s ideal day. She can be found pining over these in her lamp-lit office at Council Road Baptist Church, serving as the Creative Director. She enjoys conversations that include dad jokes, travel plans, theology, art, and struggles with faith. Feel free to reach out:


Hannah Hanzel

Hannah Hanzel is an opinionated, passionate gal that loves sharing what God is doing in her often busy and complicated life. She strives to show God's glory in working as the Art Director for the Baptist Messenger, serving as a multi-client freelance graphic designer, and communing with CRBC. When she's not working, you can find her sipping coffee in a hammock, watching classic '40s movies, or going on an adventure with friends or family.