God's love

The Gift of True Love

The Gift of True Love

This month on the blog we are focusing on different expressions of love. As we seek to live lives of love, the best way to truly love others is to first and foremost personally receive the incredible gift of God’s love toward us. When I think about His gift of love and the many ways it manifests in our lives, I can’t help but parallel it to gifts we give one another.

God's Love Is Like

God's Love Is Like

God’s Love is like a lighthouse - it is a comfort to those tossed to and fro, and shines brighter than all surrounding darkness (Psalm 26:8).

God’s Love is like a fire - it is atoning, refining, and enduring (Hebrews 12:29, Psalms 136:26).

God’s Love is like a friend who gives you their sandwich when you forgot yours - it is sacrificial and generous, a simple truth at its core (John 15:13).

Oh, how he loves: Receiving God’s Love

Oh, how he loves: Receiving God’s Love

It’s what we are all searching for: love. Much of our lives are spent on that very task, seeking love - in a mate, friendships, or in the approval of others. Yet when we do find that love, we are continually disappointed. People can’t seem to love us as perfectly as we’d like them to.