Table Talk

Editor’s Note: this month we are focusing on ways that Council Road women live and serve in community. Table Groups are one of our most popular ministries, with groups of 6 women from different generations meeting in a home monthly for 6 months. Each group is led by two co-hosts who host in one of their homes, prepare a simple meal and lead intentional conversations. 

I like to believe I’m ready and willing to be vulnerable (the good, honest kind!), but truthfully, I’m more willing to be vulnerable with information-sharing than emotion-showing. So, imagine my surprise when simply a sincere, earnest look of compassion made me burst into tears while I was sharing a life update! I was discussing a challenging situation with my Table Group in my typical matter-of-fact fashion, and then BOOM! I glanced at one of the women and she was listening to me so intently, showing such care on her face that the emotions flowed out of me.  That was one of the most meaningful moments I had while co-hosting a Table Group. In turn, I wanted to serve our Table Group through intentionally leading our Table Questions discussion and taking part in someone else’s meaningful moment. My hope is to encourage you to consider co-hosting this year!! 

I love the word “moments” when I think of the varying aspects of engaging in biblical community. Much of the impact in ministry service of any kind falls in the category of small moments, but they are impactful nonetheless. Specific to co-hosting a Table Group, I cherished the ability to offer a moment of relief by preparing a plate or pouring the drink for a woman who had spent her day serving children, customers, family members, the church, etc. It was wonderful to encourage women to allow us to celebrate their accomplishments, pray with them through struggles, and cheer them on in the moments in between. Through sharing a meal together and diving into meaningful questions and discussion, relationships were formed, discipleship happened, and I certainly experienced personal growth. Co-hosting in this Table Group setting sparked a fresh flame in me to use my Spiritual Gifts more widely to serve!

There are some practical things you can do to feel confident about stepping into the role of co-host. When I was first considering it, the idea of preparing even a simple meal for a group was overwhelming (my cooking skills rival those of a newborn). However, facilitating and guiding discussion is very life-giving to me, so co-hosting offered me the opportunity to lean into an area I’m passionate about. The other co-host and I were able to come up with a great arrangement - she prepared the meals and opened her home, and I handled the table questions provided for us. (*Note, if the two of you decide that one person will provide all the meals, it’s a good idea that the other co-host finds opportunities to also contribute financially.) Having an open conversation with your fellow co-host about your preferred ways to use your giftings, as well as your ability to host/provide a meal, will absolutely set you up for success. Let that knowledge embolden you to give co-hosting a try! As Kayla Franks so gracefully stated, “Jesus will provide the strength, diligence, and love we need to serve.” 


Meet the Author!

Ashley Otteson and her husband Garrett are blessed beyond measure to have found community at CRBC. Garrett serves on the Deacon Board and they have lead a Home Group for 5+ years, affectionately named “SundaysCool”. They’ve also spent time serving on the Welcome Team and Tech Team.

Professionally, Ashley is a Sales Leader for a large Global Technology Company where she has been for 15 years. She enjoys watching sports, eating delicious food, deep conversation, and living no further than a 7-minute drive from her sisters and parents.