the table

The Blessing of Table Groups

The Blessing of Table Groups

Where would I be without Table groups at Council Road? Table groups are truly one of the best parts of our Women’s Ministry, if you ask me. You might be asking yourself, what is a “Table Group?” A table group is a small group of women that meet monthly for 6 months in their leader’s home. Table groups have been so beneficial to me for so many reasons.

Enlarge Your Circle With "Silver" Friends

Enlarge Your Circle With "Silver" Friends

My guess is that, like me, you have some GOLD friends. You know, the ones who have known you a very long time, who have seen your good days, your bad days… and love you anyway! Oh, you are BLESSED by God if you have any deep friendships like that! When I was younger, I learned a little tune that went, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold.”

Table Talk

Table Talk

I like to believe I’m ready and willing to be vulnerable (the good, honest kind!), but truthfully, I’m more willing to be vulnerable with information-sharing than emotion-showing. So, imagine my surprise when simply a sincere, earnest look of compassion made me burst into tears while I was sharing a life update! I was discussing a challenging situation with my Table Group in my typical matter-of-fact fashion, and then BOOM! I glanced at one of the women and she was listening to me so intently, showing such care on her face that the emotions flowed out of me. That was one of the most meaningful moments I had while co-hosting a Table Group. In turn, I wanted to serve our Table Group through intentionally leading our Table Questions discussion and taking part in someone else’s meaningful moment. My hope is to encourage you to consider co-hosting this year!!

Bringing Community to The Table

Bringing Community to The Table

Council Road Women formed a much loved new ministry last year called The Table. We began this ministry not knowing how desperate we would all be for community when the Covid-19 virus would rearrange our world. What a wonderful gift The Table was to our women as we battled loneliness, loss of jobs, sickness, fear and anxiety, plans being disrupted, family heartaches, and so much more.