Seeing Racial Injustice Through a Gospel Lens


“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” - Proverbs 18:2

I recently wrote a newsletter article (God Creates Race, We Created Racism) for our Council Road newsletter about how my perspective on race and racism changed. I wish everyone could have an immersive experience like the one I described and experienced! It was a powerful jumping off board and I continue to grow, learn, and invest in significant ways. This has brought about some of the best relationships and spiritual growth in my life. 

Before I pass on some of my favorite local and national resources, I’d love to pose the questions that Vincent Bacote (my former professor!), wrote in his Christianity Today article titled Another Run at Freedom:

  • What is happening within me when my inclination is to resist talking about race?

  • Is it possible my reluctance to discuss racism emerges from an ideological default setting that enables me to easily categorize and dismiss these conversations?

  • If I am honest, how much do I really know about all of this?

  • Am I aware of the diversity of views within and among African Americans and other people of color?

Reflective questions are important in every area of life. Considering those above should help incorporate humility and a heart to learn and understand into our journey. 

I also love Tim Keller’s article, A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory. This is a great starting point to understand the difference between Biblical justice and other secular definitions. It is well worth the read. 

Locally, here is what I’ve been following:

  • Pastor Rodney Payne’s conversations with Pastor Rick Thompson (posted on YouTube)

  • Our TEEM webinar from a few weeks ago! (Thank you, CRBC, for the 464 items donated to their hygiene drive!) 

  • Clarence Hill’s Dream Clock (Clarence is a good friend of CRBC minister Clint Chamberlain and we’ve worked with him and his team on many initiatives. He is a humble giant and I love getting to work with him!) 

  • If you see the United Voice  banner on a news story, that is the work of Clarence’s Stronger Together. Their goal to bring local media outlets together to give Oklahoma a united voice in promoting a healthy dialogue on race. They also have a great Podcast (I am really looking forward to diving into the 4-part current series on Race & Oklahoma History!)

  • Flourish OKC  is an amazing event sponsored by Hobby Lobby and The Signatry where ministries and organizations receive grants and are recognized for their amazing work to help Oklahoma City flourish. This year the focus is restorative justice in the system of criminal justice, the rehabilitation of offenders, the healing of the victims, and the repair of the community at large. If you are interested, Flourish OKC has a great Instagram, YouTube channel, and now a podcast

  • I am a part of the OK Justice Circle and have been the emcee for the first of many Town Hall events with the OKC Police Chief and community pastors and leaders. It’s important to know what’s happening at a local level when a national conversation is happening. For instance, you will hear about demands for the chokehold to be banned in the national conversation, but it has been banned in Oklahoma City since 2008. I am really hoping that in the coming town halls we will be discussing OKC’s involvement with 21CP! The next one is Monday, October 12th and you can tune in on the OKCPD Facebook Page

Books, sermons and movie resources I recommend:

Taylor White also has some great links in her July article: How We the Church Should Respond to Racism: Links to Educate Ourselves. I would encourage you to check those out as well! Start somewhere and bring others along.

When I learn about anything, I learn through the lens of the gospel. The gospel informs everything in my life, so why should race be any different? Hold everything up to Scripture, seek God, walk in humility, and never stop learning. Pray about where God might be calling you to invest your life. 

(See Makenzie’s immersive experience article God Creates Race, We Created Racism at


Meet the Author!

Makenzie graduated from Wheaton College where she majored in Christian Ministry, Urban Studies, and Photography and somehow managed to apply all of her degrees to work in the real world! She has a passion for community development after years working in urban ministry in Chicago, non-profits in Austin, and has been on staff at CRBC since 2012. She loves being able to equip and serve the church through her role as Minister of Missions at CRBC which includes both local and global partnerships. Despite being the missions minister, she is quite the homebody. She is an avid Harry Potter fan, loves Oklahoma City, and is happiest when surrounded by friends, family, and her ADORABLE weenie dog, May.