Intro To Exodus

Exodus is generally a book of the Bible that people do not sit down and read for themselves like they would other books. We know the major stories of Exodus - Moses telling Pharaoh “let my people go,” the plagues, Israelites crossing the Red Sea on dry land, God giving His people the Ten Commandments, Israel failing time and time again to follow those commandments. We have the general idea of what Exodus is about but the other parts can feel confusing. However, if we take a look at ALL that is happening throughout this book, the stories we already know will come to life even more. 

Throughout the Bible, Exodus is referred to 120 times. That tells us that there are some key things happening that God really wants us to take hold of and understand. So let’s do an overview of Exodus as we prepare to go through it together as a church. 

The Israelites have been slaves to the Egyptians for hundreds of years when the accounts from the book of Exodus begin. Their numbers had grown immensely, leaving the Pharaohs who reigned to feel threatened. Because of this, the Israelites were subjected to oppression, hard labor, and a command to kill every baby boy so they could not multiply any longer. Through God’s sovereignty, baby Moses was rescued by Pharaoh's daughter and raised in the palace. Little did the Egyptians know that this would be the man God would use to free His people. 

Eventually, Moses is forced to flee Egypt after murdering an Egyptian for beating a fellow Hebrew. Moses then establishes himself in another town, marries, and begins working. However, God is not done with Moses. Years later, God speaks to him through a burning bush, calling him to be the one to free the Israelites and bring them to the Promised Land. God works through Moses to convince Pharaoh through signs and plagues to free the Hebrew people. 

As God is leading His people through the wilderness, they begin to complain about their wandering and food, stating that they would be better off as slaves in Egypt again. Two months after leaving Egypt, they arrive at Mount Sinai, where God reveals Himself and establishes Israel as His chosen people. Moses goes up the mountain to meet with God, receiving the 10 commandments and God’s law. During his absence, the Israelites become impatient yet again, building idols and worshiping them. After their disobedience is dealt with, God gives them instructions to build the Tabernacle. Then, the Lord’s presence filled the Tabernacle and He continued to guide them in their journey to the Promised Land.

The book of Exodus is obviously very important for the Israelites - a way to look back on their history and see what God has done and what He calls them to do. But what is God teaching us as modern day Christians through this book? How does it apply to us now?

Exodus speaks to God being our deliverer. Every one of us are slaves to sin. We are under the oppression of our fleshly desires, laboring in darkness. Moses being the Israelites’ rescuer is a reflection of Jesus rescuing us from death. No matter how many times we grumble, longing to go back to what we believe is the better option, God continues to lead us forward. He does not give up on us. Because of deliverance, we now have the hope of the Promised Land. 

Meet the author!

Addi Suenram is married to Merritt Suenram. Addi is passionate about using writing as an avenue to help Christians pursue God and go deeper in their faith. She can also use poetry to speak about the problem of pain and the hope of Jesus Christ.

She has been speaking at church events, both for youth groups and adults, for six years. She was the keynote speaker at the 2014 Relay for Life event. Addi has also spoken at two YMCA Livestrong programs for cancer survivors.