How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Miranda Toland

Living in community means we get to see how other believers live out a Christ centered life. When we see other women prioritizing and valuing the study of God’s Word, it helps us to see how it can fit into our lives. Interviewing women in our church about their Bible study has given me some great encouragement in that: 1) There are creative ways to keep God’s Word in front of us during busy seasons, and 2) Many women in our church take the study of God’s Word seriously.

Continuing our series of church member interviews, Miranda Toland spilled the beans on what Bible study looks like for her. Miranda grew up in a typical Christian setting where church was attended. She even went to a Christian college, but It wasn’t till after college that she wanted to own her faith. She was intrigued by the historical context around scripture that she hadn’t studied before. She began attending Sunday school, where her class was going through books of the Bible verse by verse. She then started asking questions to believers who she knew were grounded in the Bible and she invested in a good study Bible. (The ESV or CSB study Bible are great options if you don’t already have one.)

Miranda is 23 years old and just finished her first year as a pediatric nurse. She is spunky and the kind of person you want to be around - warm, and generous. You’ll find her serving teenage girls in our youth group. Within a year, she moved states, started a new job, joined a new church, began a new relationship, and started living by herself. There is a lot of NEW for this gal. Her changing work schedule creates challenges with having a consistent quiet time (can I get an AMEN from my nurse friends?) and anxious thoughts try to keep her mind from focusing, but Miranda has learned a few things that have helped her drink in the truth of God by reading His Word. Here is part of our conversation…

How do you study God’s word in your current season?

Something I have learned about myself is that when I jump into God’s word without prayer and journaling, my mind is not fully engaged with the text. I am a pretty anxious person and my mind is usually running 100 mph. Within the last few months, I have started journaling out my prayers and giving over a lot of my anxieties to the Lord before I dive into my study. I have found that has helped me put my mind at ease and be able to focus on the text at hand!

With an ever-changing schedule, when do you study the Bible?

In all honesty, that is still something I am trying to figure out. My mind feels much sharper in the morning, but with my early wake up time for work, that has been hard. I do best with consistency, so my current plan of action is doing my quiet time before bed. However, I want to be more flexible with myself and would love to study in the mornings on my days off to set myself for success on those days!

Tell us about one of your favorite Bible Studies.

Anything by Daily Grace Company is so good and really scripture based. They have so many tools and studies. I just finished the God and Our Emotions study and am about to start the Come and See study on the book of John.

Why do you study God’s Word?

James 3:17 and Psalm 119: 15-16 and so many more. There is so much scripture that tells us of its importance! We are called to be studiers and doers of God’s word. Not only is studying being obedient, but I also notice a difference in my day to day when I am actively studying the Lord’s word. I am less anxious, I am more patient, and I am more joyful.

When asked about practical tips, Miranda notes that consistency and accountability have been key to her regular time in the Word. Studying with other women has both encouraged her to keep going as well as given her opportunities to hear from different points of view. Community has played a large role in Miranda’s learning and growth, starting with Sunday school, and into Bible studies. Jen Wilkin noted at the Women’s Ministry Launch, that there is no such thing A just a personal relationship with God. When we become His people, we join in relationship with Him and with the family of God. Let’s be a people in His Word with other people. 

Thank you Miranda for sharing your study with us!

Meet the Author!

Danielle is a native Okie who stumbled into a life of creatively sharing the Bible. Danielle spent five years working at Museum of the Bible. She now works as the Director of Communications for Inspire Experiences and as a Digital Media Consultant for Voice of the Martyrs. She is also a student at Southern Seminary, pursuing a Masters of Arts in Theology. Danielle has a passion for the arts, specifically painting, and has a special love for her pup, Penny. She is married to the man of her dreams, Caleb. The Smiths are proud members of Council Road and cherish opportunities to know and love God more through relationships and teaching in the body of Christ.