How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Millicent Gillogly

What is your personal Bible study like right now? Do you feel fulfilled and drawn closer to the Lord through time in scripture? Barely squeaking out 10 minutes of Bible reading in a week? Stuck in a passage that you can’t for the life of you understand? This week’s interview is with a woman who would relate to all of these sentiments: Millicent Gillogly.

Millicent has been deeply involved at Council Road for decades. She even served as the children’s minister at one point. Millie has read and engaged with the Bible in a lot of different contexts throughout her life, being a faithful church attender, serving in quite a few children’s contexts, and discipling younger women in the church. She is the type of woman who doesn’t answer questions the way one expects and is deeply honest and genuine in the way she communicates. It’s the type of honesty that makes one stop and think for a moment. When I asked Millie to give me a summary of who she is, she said, “That looks like such a simple question, but how I define myself is so important. First, I am God’s creation, placed in my family, my home, my church with His plan in place.  So, in that ordained plan, I am Dave’s wife, mom to Erin and Kacy and their hubbies, and Mimi to their 5 children…”

I asked Millie about her Bible study, and she started by telling me about her Bible! She has a favorite Bible bound in green leather that she has re-bound 2 times. This year, for her birthday she got a new turquoise Bible with edges and space to make notes, put stickers, and highlight (shout out to her VBS memory verses). Millie talks about her Bibles like they are truly invaluable to her. She says, “… from the pages of these Bibles that I treasure, the Holy Spirit has brought God’s Word to life for me. Not in sweeping outlines, but for today, for this pain, or for this purpose, He gives me an answer, a promise, a reminder of a truth forgotten that is transforming!!” 

Now, I’ll let Millie speak for herself with what her engagement with those Bibles has been like.


Let me first admit, in all honesty, that I have struggled my whole life with consistency of spending time in God’s word. I am not a morning person; I need a lot of sleep! And when I woke up once (when I was supposed to be reading the Bible), and the cat was asleep on my lap, I finally gave up the false standard that early morning was when I was ‘supposed’ to have my ‘quiet time.’  When we had little kids, it was whatever time Sesame Street was on. In another season, the most consistent thing I did every day was go to bed at night. So that’s when I read my Bible. Now, it’s in the morning with my coffee and raisin toast. But trust me, the sun is up, and I am awake! So, find what works for you and how God made you!!!!!


I took a class that was hugely impactful. Other than being saved, no other life experience has had a bigger impact on my life than studying the life-giving Biblical principles that were encompassed in that class. I was immersed in Bible study, applying the truths to my life, and letting the power of the Holy Spirit bring true transformation. It was an ordained timing for that season of my life. Several more classes kept me in the Word, and I am eternally grateful for God’s plan.


Whatever season a woman is in, God has a reason and a purpose for it.  And it changes as we grow and mature, physically and spiritually. Don’t try to fit a mold that someone else has created as a standard. God gives grace in abundance—receive it!!! Lay down the guilt, if you are carrying it, and let God meet you where you are in life. He loves you, and desires mightily to hang out with you.


Whether you are thriving or struggling in your Bible study, I hope you are encouraged by those last words. God loves you. He wants to speak to you. If you’re struggling in your Bible reading, take heart and press on in ways you can. If you’re thriving in your reading, keep going, and know that the work you do now will help you through a future season that may be harder in Bible engagement. 

As I write this last interview series blog, I pray Psalm 119:103 over our church, that we would be able to say about God’s good Word, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” 

Editor’s Note: We hope you have been encouraged by the interviews in this “How Do You Read Your Bible” series. To read the previous two interviews, please type “How Do You Read Your Bible” in the Search box at For further help and encouragement in this area, please type “Bible Reading” in that same Search box or email us at!

Meet the Author!

Danielle is a native Okie who stumbled into a life of creatively sharing the Bible. Danielle spent five years working at Museum of the Bible. She now works as the Director of Communications for Inspire Experiences and as a Digital Media Consultant for Voice of the Martyrs. She is also a student at Southern Seminary, pursuing a Masters of Arts in Theology. Danielle has a passion for the arts, specifically painting, and has a special love for her pup, Penny. She is married to the man of her dreams, Caleb. The Smiths are proud members of Council Road and cherish opportunities to know and love God more through relationships and teaching in the body of Christ.