Happy Galentines: Celebrating the Girl Friends in Our Life!


Editor’s Note: In honor of the loooove month (Hello, February!) we’re focusing on FRIENDSHIPS! Our mission is to connect, equip and inspire women to pursue an intentional relationship with Jesus Christ and others. So today, we’re kicking off a mini-series of posts filled with heartwarming inspiration and bold challenge for every season of friendship—non-existent, budding, rifted or steady. So let’s get to it… and cheers to February!

Let me be clear: I adore my boys. My husband is my favorite human. I am certifiably crazy about my son. My son-in-law is an absolute ornery delight. My grandson, well the way he lights up when I see him is pure magic to my soul. And the men I work with have my true respect.


Let’s be honest…

There are just some things that only another woman will ever understand...

  • Periods (and I’m not talking about punctuation)

  • Bras and those maddening things they harness (don’t even get me started)

  • Pregnancy...when it does and doesn’t happen for you

  • Fully developed humans coming out of your private places they should not possibly be able to exit

  • Bathing Suits intent on exposing all you do and do not have

  • Breast feeding (seriously, someone feeding from your body parts)

  • Postpartum 

  • The manic pull between family and other important work

  • The constant feeling that there’s more you should be getting done

  • Mammocrams (yes, I meant “cram”)

  • Hysterectomies, Mastectomies (and other things I shall not mention!)

  • Empty Nest

  • Menopause (why is the word “men” even in here???)

  • Body parts going south long before you’re ready

  • Etc, etc, etc

Thank You, LORD, for the gift of girlfriends who get these things and the havoc they bring to our multi-tasking, hard-working, caring for everyone else and still trying to follow God and chase our dreams world.

So while greeting card companies and chocolatiers are gearing up to gush over all things romantic, let’s take a moment to celebrate the girls who get and inspire us. 


To Kait, the single, apartment dwelling young woman in our congregation who has cared for not one, but two sets of siblings through Safe Families this year—you and the tribe of girlfriends who have rallied around you are rock stars. For you, as well as all our teachers and advocates caring for someone else’s children...God bless you!

I am in awe of women in our midst who are tackling cancer, celiac, Lyme disease, degenerating discs, diabetes, infertility and a host of other ailments like a boss, yet still choosing to fight through, even loving and serving the rest of us whenever their bodies allow. 

We are humbled by ladies who have dealt with massive grief, yet chose to still trust God and got counsel for themselves and their children when needed. Thank you for not giving up and showing us how to fight like a girl.


Instagram and Facebook have lit up recently with gal pals among us traveling to new places (oh, those Italy pics from my friend Mary!), trying new things, serving in missions (Makenzie is everywhere), hiking mountains, leading worship, pursuing Doctorates, adopting children, and starting new businesses (check out Whitney Ferguson’s new Prep Lively event planning pics and drool). You ladies challenge us to try new things and we are grateful.


Everywhere I look it seems I see women giving all they’ve got to care for loved ones with Dementia, aging parents, husbands with failing physical health, and heartbroken friends. I see you pour out yourselves over your children—whether they are sick or healthy, wayward or easy, dealing with normal or extra needs, your care is constant. Yet still, you are discipling others, mentoring, teaching, leading groups, welcoming women into your homes, taking meals to those needing them, supporting friends through laughter and tears, celebrating one another well, and extending a helping hand to those in need. Whew!

May you sense the deep pleasure of your Father and His monumental loving care for you.

To those who have wiped our tears, listened to our woes, brought us a hot beverage when we were sick, offered to keep our kids when we were going crazy, delivered food to our homes, sent funny cards when we needed a giggle, celebrated our victories, got us out of the house when it was closing in, and prayed for our healing...all while dealing with the litany of things that come with being a woman...you are manna from Heaven and I celebrate the gift that you are!

Happy Galentines!!


Meet the Author!

Bible teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey Banks is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road, celebrating her people, playing with her puppy and getting lost in a good story.