Being Born Female


Being born female—that is the #1 risk factor for breast cancer. 

I was first touched by breast cancer as a young teenager when a grandmother I dearly loved was diagnosed and had one of her breasts removed. Since then, I’ve had maternal and paternal aunts that have had full mastectomies, my second grandmother was diagnosed, and my mother had countless cysts aspirated and removed.

I began having annual mammograms early (or mam-o-CRAMS, as the somehow simultaneously medieval and futuristic vice-grip experience could be named). Results were abnormal for my first images and resulted in a stereotactic biopsy that is to date the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced. A couple years ago, I noticed something alarming before my annual exam that resulted in a procedure done by a breast cancer surgeon which gratefully had excellent results. 

That I would advocate for annual mammograms and monthly self exams isn’t surprising, especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What is surprising is that most women diagnosed with breast cancer don't actually have a family history of the disease

As women, we spend a majority of our lives caring for other people, sometimes to the detriment of caring for our own bodies. We owe it to one another, ourselves, and the God who made us to care well for the bodies He has given us. Early detection is critical, so while you’d rather not think about breast cancer or make the recommended appointments, please do these 3 things:

For information regarding Breast Cancer (facts, statistics, risk factors and reduction, screening and detection, financial assistance,  treatments, etc), go to To read inspiring interviews with and poignant articles by Council Road Women breast cancer thrivers, check out these articles at

To all you mothers, daughters, sisters, and girl friends...the rest of us are counting on you taking care of yourself. That should always be part of being born female.


Meet the Author!

Bible teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey Banks is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road, celebrating her people, playing with her puppy and getting lost in a good story.