the chosen

Getting to Know Jesus

Getting to Know Jesus

There are so many people in our world today that are struck by a single question: Who is Jesus? Was he simply a good teacher or was he a lunatic, a prophet of some sort, a simple carpenter from Nazareth, or was He really the Word made flesh that dwelt among us (John 1:14)? The answer to that question is the basis for our beliefs. As Christians, we believe He was the Word, fully God, yet fully man, and this satisfied the blood covenant He fulfilled through His death on the cross (Romans 8:3-4). Countless authors, scholars, philosophers, and everyday people have attempted to explain away the Person of Jesus. It is beyond their perception, or beliefs, that God would even come to approach us (and not the other way around) as a humble, human child that grew in age and wisdom (Luke 2:40).