Stress Busters


Hello Friends!

I hope all of you are happy and healthy. April is Stress Awareness month, which is a little too on the nose right now. The world is so different than it was just a month ago. It’s almost too much to wrap my mind around. If you are like me, it is easy to get worked up about things that you cannot control. I would have never considered myself a control freak before COVID-19, however that has changed. Now, I find myself in a cyclical thinking pattern trying to figure out the point of all of this. 

PSA: I probably won’t ever find out the reason, and you know what friends? That is okay because I know that God is in control. There is no use in stressing out over something that is out of my hands. 

“But Hailee, it’s not that easy to get out of my head!” 

Friend, I hear you and completely understand. But look no further! I have some stress busters to help you get out of your head and jump into some things that are relaxing and fun!  Remember, God’s truth is a living and active and worth pursuing Truth! So, keep reading God’s Word while trying some of the stress busters below: 

Theme Party with Neighbors

I got this genus idea from one of my lovely neighbors and her grandchildren. They delivered, sanitary and a safe distance away, a bag full of Hawaiian themed party things! They gave us a hula hoop, a photobooth backdrop, spam (a Hawaiian delicacy), fun cups, streamers, and did I mention the HULA HOOP. My neighbor delivered these Hawaiian-party-in-a-bags to all the neighbors on our block. So, we all had a Hawiian themed party our separate houses. On a nice evening, you could even do this on your driveways or in front of your homes. So FUN! All of this to say, throw a safely distanced themed party with your neighbors!

Silent Rave

Grab some headphones, strobe lights (or whatever lights you need for dance inspiration), and THE perfect playlist. Clear some space in your home to ensure enough room for raving. Put on those headphones, play music at a desirable volume level, then DANCE. If it’s just you in your home, this is such a fun time to let loose without others around. If it’s you plus a roommate or family members, this is such a fun time to goof around and see everyone’s best or worst dance moves. 

Make Something

I bought a LEGO Star Wars model set that I have yet to build, but I am excited to construct something and then play. Consider assembling a puzzle or creating something. Plant some flowers! Make a new layout for your bedroom or living room.Try out a new recipe! These things might not seem like stress relieving activities, but I find that making something takes my mind off of the current stressful circumstances...which is the goal.

Physical Activity/Time Outside

My roommate, Carly, and I went to Target a couple weeks ago and bought a skateboard. We rode around our neighborhood. She rode her razor scooter while I tried to summon those basic skateboarding skills from middle school. We laughed so much! Also, time outside is vital nowadays. Take a 20 minute walk listening to your favorite podcast, musician, book, SNL skit, or leave your phone at home and enjoy the sounds of birds chirping and the wind rustling through the trees.

Friends, that’s all I have today. I hope you can spend time in self reflection, getting out of your head, and trying new ways to relieve stress. Happy stress busting!


Meet the Author!

Hailee Alcaida is the English III at Putnam City High School. Being an English teacher combines two of Hailee’s passions: literature and building relationships. Hailee and her students love to laugh at the current memes, dab, and learn about the world through reading and writing. Living with an enneagram 7 helps her to put a book down, get out of their house, and explore OKC with friends and all its fun that it has to offer. By the way, Hailee is an enneagram 4w3. Continue the conversation with Hailee – email