A Woman’s Place In The Church


The year was 1986 and I was at a missions summer camp called Camp Nunny Cha Ha, held on the grounds of Falls Creek Baptist Assembly. It was a camp I looked forward to every year, where campers and counselors studied scripture together, sang songs, heard testimonies from foreign and local missionaries and had lots of fun in the Oklahoma heat. On the last night of camp, the guest speaker led us into a commitment time explaining that he felt the Lord was speaking to some of us in the room, calling some to accept Christ and others into special service (which was the term used for a call to ministry of some sort.)

Having accepted Jesus, I was familiar with the Holy Spirit’s voice and that evening it was undeniable. It seemed He was pulling me out of my seat and down the aisle toward the speaker. With tears in my eyes, I told one of the counselors that God was calling me to serve Him. At that point in my life, I was not sure where or how a woman could serve God in ministry and assumed that I was being called to be a foreign missionary (which has remained a passion of mine) or a pastor’s wife. I had not seen women leading or teaching in the church I grew up in, so my vision was very limited, but I couldn’t deny God’s calling.

Fast forward many years and I found myself in college at Oklahoma Baptist, choosing a major and trying to discern God’s will for my life. I wasn’t dating a pastor and I didn’t feel led to move to another country, so it seemed like I wouldn’t be fulfilling that early call. I pursued a Marriage and Family Therapy degree, then began working on a masters in counseling, including courses for biblical counsel. I met and married my wonderful husband, began working in youth ministry at Council Road, and it was during those years that writing and teaching gifts were uncovered and a ministry to young couples was birthed in both our hearts. 

Over the twenty years I’ve been at Council Road, I have been honored to serve in every single area of our church—from preschool to adult ministries. Missions remains a passion, even though I wasn’t called overseas permanently. Teaching and discipleship opportunities happen on a weekly basis, even though I’m not married to a vocational pastor. 

As I look back over all that the Lord has done since that humid evening at camp, one thing is certain—God wants to use each of us, regardless of our job title, marital status, race or socioeconomic status. If you are a believer in Jesus, you have a call to serve Him.  

However, as a woman this has raised questions recently, as some leaders have been vocal that we shouldn’t serve in our churches.

Seeking biblical literacy on the topic, I reached out to our Senior Pastor, Rick Thompson and I hope you are encouraged by his comments. 

HM: With the recent buzz in Christian news about women in leadership, the Council Road Women blog wanted to address the issue with both wisdom and encouragement. Can you speak into where our church stands on the issue of women serving in church leadership positions?

RT: We believe what the Bible teaches regarding women in ministry and leadership. The Bible is our final authority. Therefore, we believe women are co-regents with men before God and that includes ministry (Galatians 3:28). The New Testament scriptures reveal an empowerment for women that was radical for its time. For example, women were among the first to proclaim the resurrection message (Matthew 28:5-7) and were listed as leaders in various churches (examples: Phoebe, Priscilla and Junia are all referred to as teachers and leaders). In Philippians 4, Syntyche and Euodia are listed as two women who contend with the gospel along with Clement and Paul.  Lydia too is seen as a leader in Philippi. Some would say that passages in 1 Timothy 4 and 1 Corinthians 14 prohibit women from speaking in church, but in both of those passages, it’s clear that the instructions are speaking of particular women in particular contexts and not meant to be a universal principle.  

HM: Are there any positions, whether staff or lay-person, that you believe are outside of scriptural bounds for a woman? Can you explain why you think that is the case?

RT: Instructions to pastors in 1 Timothy seem to indicate that women should not serve in the position of lead elder or pastor. Other than pastor, I don’t see a prohibition on women in any other ministry position. 

H: How have you seen women positively build up and edify Council Road and ‘The Church’ as a whole?

R: I praise God for the unique way God is using women like Vickey Banks, Carisa Wilsie, Sue Ellen Ferguson, Makenzie Magnus, Sarah Hagar and Dondra Lonsdale on our staff.  I think they are wonderful examples of how the unique gifts of women in ministry impact a congregation and a community. Our church would be greatly diminished without their leadership.  In addition, we have many lay leaders who are women (like yourself) who are powerful examples of servant ministry, leadership, and are discipling new generations of leaders. 

H: How would you encourage the women of Council Road to use the gifts God has given them?

R: In the same way I would encourage men—God has created you for a purpose with unique gifts that should be used to advance the Kingdom for His glory. 

H: Any last thoughts on this recent hot topic of conversation?

R: This should not be a controversial subject—all of us are called to serve one another with love and humility.


I’m so thankful for a pastor who edifies and encourages both women and men to lead and serve in the ways He created them to do so. I challenge you to seek the Lord as to how He wants to use your gifts for His Kingdom. Let 2020 be the year you see yourself and your gifts as God sees them.


Meet the Author!

Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, homeschooling their three children, traveling the world, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for two decades and she is thrilled to be part of the Women's Ministry team, helping women connect with each other and grow in their walk with Jesus!