group life

Community Groups Are Worth the Time and Effort

Community Groups Are Worth the Time and Effort

I really love my community group, or home group as we call it. My home group is the glue that sometimes holds me together…that might sound intense or a bit dramatic, but if you knew these people and how we love big, encourage, and challenge each other, you would get it. Home groups aren’t always like that and, honestly, it hasn’t always been that way for me. Sometimes it’s more of a discipline.

Community For Women

Community For Women

We are a community of women where we live, work, and play together. Our community is women coming together under one roof. GOD is our protector. He protects us in all facets of life. As we go through tribulations, deaths, and our travels in this fallen world, God is our refuge and safe haven. We “be” that place where you feel wanted and needed. We love the idea of praying together, asking God to illuminate to us what he wants us to be and to convict our hearts to be better women in Christ.

The Group That Prays

The Group That Prays

As far back as I can remember, I admired people who prayed. Prayer has always represented a faith and belief in the power of God that I’ve wanted to see in my own life.

For the past two years, I’ve led a small group with my husband called “The Group That is Small.” It’s been a self-fulfilling prophecy of who we’ve become, as we are down to a group of six faithful members after others have moved away geographically. However, we are looking to grow. Realizing there must be a better name for who we are that could also include where we are wanting to grow, I began reflecting on who we are and what we do well.