celebrate recovery

Celebrate Recovery's 20th Anniversary at CRBC

Celebrate Recovery's 20th Anniversary at CRBC

Pastor Rick:  When I arrived at Council Road 20 years ago, one of the first new ministries I wanted to implement was Celebrate Recovery. It was a relatively new ministry in Oklahoma, and one that was badly needed. Oklahoma is located in a prime position geographically for drug and human trafficking—right in the middle of the United States where three major interstates criss-cross. The poverty level is also a problem. Both play into a high dependence on drugs and alcohol.

After getting to know the staff, I knew who the perfect person would be to head up our new chapter of Celebrate Recovery: Sue Ellen Ferguson. She had the perfect combination of leadership, creativity, grace and mercy, and a disarming smile, not to mention her own story of recovery. Some people thought I was crazy, as she was serving as the leader of the Women’s Ministry at the time. But I knew she was the perfect person to take on this new endeavor.