A Mother’s Day Gift: Hope for Moms with Children who have Lost their Way

A Mother’s Day Gift:  Hope for Moms with Children who have Lost their Way

I have served on the Council Road staff the past six months, and every Monday I sort through the prayer requests from Sunday services to bring to staff meeting where the staff prays. It is a rare week that we don’t get a request from a concerned mother asking for prayer for her struggling child. Some sign their names, others are anonymous…

Depression To Thriving: 5 Ways the Church Healed Me

Depression To Thriving: 5 Ways the Church Healed Me

Growing up in an Oklahoma Christian family gave me a foundation and solid teaching which prepared me for living and working in Southeast Asia. With loving parents and good church leaders, I was confident that I would lead a happy, successful life as long as I obeyed Christ.  

Does Satan Love Your Women’s Bible Study?

Does Satan Love Your Women’s Bible Study?

Satan would love the above scenario because he loves to produce shallow bible studies and surface level conversation between Christian women. He loves to provoke subtle sins (1 John 3:8). He loves to lead women astray from their pure devotion to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3)…

Standing in Jesus’ Tomb

Standing in Jesus’ Tomb

My heart raced as I held my breath. It happened so quickly, I’d had no warning to prepare my heart and head for where I was and what I was feeling. Our small tour group had been told we’d see the tomb where they were almost positive Jesus was placed in, but I never imagined I’d actually stand inside it!

Balancing the Bunny

Balancing the Bunny

The Easter Bunny.... what’s not to love? A human-sized rodent, dressed in his Sunday best, delivers candy and stuffed animals to children on Easter morning. Not only does he come bearing gifts, but this bunny happens to have an abundance of eggs that he likes to hide in yards and bushes and.....wait...... what?

Celebrating Grace Gifts: An Interview with Kathy Boeckman

Celebrating Grace Gifts:  An Interview with Kathy Boeckman

I find myself thinking a lot about grace during the Lent season. Simply put, it’s the unearned, unmerited kindness that God grants us. Grace is the evidence of His hand on our lives, sometimes easier to see when looking at the lives of others.